Jual Apartemen Tamansari Panoramic Apartment Bandung – 1 BR 22.5m2 Furnished

Tamansari Panoramic ApartmentTamansari Panoramic ApartmentTamansari Panoramic ApartmentTamansari Panoramic ApartmentTamansari Panoramic ApartmentTamansari Panoramic Apartment

  • Apartment Name: Tamansari Panoramic
  • Location: Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 783, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40292, Bandung
  • Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 3 / No 35
  • Size: 22.5 m2
  • Bedroom: 1
  • Bathroom: 1
  • Condition: Furnished. Televisi, AC, Kitchen, Double Bed, Gorden, Cooker Hook, Lantai Parkit, Cermin, Lemari

    Televisi, AC, Kitchen, Double Bed, Gorden, Cooker Hook, Parquet Floor, Mirror, Wardrobe

  • Facility: Kolam renang, kartu akses, CCTV, area parkir dan komersil, dan yang utama SMART LIVING (TV Cabel, Internet Access 1mbps, Triple Play by Cyber Complex).

    Swimming Pool, Card Access, CCTV, Commercial Area, Parking Lot, and the main SMART LIVING (Cabel TV, Internet Access 1mbps, Triple Play by Cyber Complex).

  • Additional Info:
    • Apartemen Tamansari Panoramic berlokasi di Kota Bandung, tepatnya di Jl. Utama Soekarno Hatta yang merupakan jalan by pass dimana akses transportasi 24 jam non stop dan bersebelahan dengan perumahan Pinus Regency.

      Tamansari Panoramic Apartment is located in Bandung City, exactly on Jl. Soekarno Hatta which is the main road bypass where transportation access is 24-hour non-stop and is adjacent to residential Pinus Regency.

    • Tak hanya itu, apartemen ini dekat dengan beberapa instansi pemerintahan seperti misal Departemen Keagamaan, Dinas Kehutanan, Unit Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro se-Jawa Barat, Ditjen Pajak, dan Polda Jawa Barat. Dekat juga dengan perusahaan berkembang, seperti Gudang Garam, Djarum, Sampoerna, XL Axiata, Telkomsel, dan Indosat.

      Not only that, this apartment is close to government agencies. It also closes with some companies such ass Gudang Garam, Djarum, Sampoerna, XL, Telkomsel, and Indosat. 

    • Apartemen Tamansari Panoramic juga memiliki akses jalan yang mudah dan dekat menuju beberapa kampus dan sekolah. Selain itu, apartemen Tamansari Panoramic dikelilingi oleh pusat perbelanjaan seperti Metro Trade Centre, Carrefour, Hypermart, dan Lottemart.

      Moreover, Tamansari Panoramic Apartment is highly accessible and is has the short distances to several educational institutions, and shopping centers such as Metro Trade Centre, Carrefour, Hypermart, and Lottemart.

    • Apartemen Tamansari Panoramic mengusung konsep Smart Living Facility yang digabungkan dengan penyajian panorama alam. Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas lengkap seperti kolam renang, kartu akses, CCTV, area parkir dan komersil, dan yang utama SMART LIVING (TV Cabel, Internet Access 1mbps, Triple Play by Cyber Complex).

      Tamansari Panoramic Apartment brings the concept of Smart Living Facility, which combined with the presentation of natural scenery. Equipped with complete facilities such as Swimming Pool, Card Access, CCTV, Commercial Area, Parking Lot, and the main SMART LIVING (Cabel TV, Internet Access 1mbps, Triple Play by Cyber Complex). 

    • Pemandangan yang dapat dilihat oleh penghuni ataupun tamu di apartemen ini adalah Gunung Manglayang dan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.[FOR SALE] 1 BR Apartment in Tamansari Panoramic Bandung

      The view that can be seen by occupants or guests in this apartment is the Manglayang and Tangkuban Perahu mountains.

  • Selling Price: Price : Rp. 300.000.000 (Nego)
  • Contact: Arne Herliany – 0852 5640 5473
  • E-mail: rnerpl09@gmail.com

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